• Global Headquarters: No. 161, Man Kam To Road, North District, Hong Kong  R1102-1105, ShenFang B-Building, Futian District, Shenzhen

Provide the highest speed, lowest cost and best efficiency worldwide

When it comes to understanding the open market, experience is a differentiating factor. Our merchandise manager has decades of experience. They understand the market and our place in it, and have established a long-term, trustworthy relationship that allows us to help you when others are unable to help you.

Our commitment to quality begins with our policy of only purchasing electronic components from trusted electronic suppliers. We have developed a supplier management process, and first conduct a comprehensive investigation of each supplier's financial background, including their Dunn & Bradstreet and ERAI and GIDEP screening. Through continuous performance evaluation, we ensure that our suppliers meet our high performance standards.

  • How to ensure that only genuine electronic originals
    enter your supply chain?
  • How to track and predict
    market trends?

Supplier management: Procurement from trusted electronic suppliers

Senior leader

In terms of understanding the open market, experience is a differentiating factor. Our merchandise manager has decades of experience. They understand the market and our place in it, and have established a long-term, trustworthy relationship that allows us to help you when others are unable to help you.


Focused products Professional knowledge

We are in a unique position to appoint expert resources to focus on specific parts, and to track and predict market trends.


Local knowledgeGlobal network

Our facilities and team members are connected through a proprietary trade management system, allowing our customer team to support you 24/7 and provide an international foundation for your procurement needs. We have access and unparalleled visibility to understand the industry-wide usage of electronic components around the world.


Certified Quality Assurance

Our extensive certification ensures that all products are thoroughly inspected, safely stored, promptly transported and accurately delivered. Our logistics center follows the company's world-class quality assurance process to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of each shipment.
