• Global Headquarters: No. 161, Man Kam To Road, North District, Hong Kong  R1102-1105, ShenFang B-Building, Futian District, Shenzhen

Unique insights and powerful market analysis tools can optimize your current and future supply chain

Only when data is effectively analyzed, interpreted, and processed, can data be valuable. We have real-time and actionable global market intelligence at the product and electronic components level. Our product line managers rely on end-to-end market visibility and unique insights to optimize your costs, guarantee supply and inventory, in order to navigate the ever-changing supply chain.

We have built a set of effective tools and management mechanisms to enable customers to insight and anticipate shortages, liquidity of excess inventory, expected availability of discontinued materials on the open market, and related The past performance of the component.

  • How to quickly make supply chain
  • How to optimize your
    supply chain now and in the future?

Professional knowledge

Infinite possibilities

We have millions of internal material numbers used by thousands of original equipment and contract manufacturers worldwide. With such a huge amount of data, our experts can quickly make supply chain decisions based on a comprehensive assessment of risks, shutdowns and supply conditions.


Ownership analysis method

We have built a set of effective tools and management mechanisms to enable customers to observe and anticipate shortages, excess inventory liquidity, expected availability of discontinued materials on the open market, and past performance of related components.


Master the dynamics of parts

We and the world's advanced companies maintain the largest database in the electronic components industry. With these data, we can provide the most complete search results, so that we can identify, quote, negotiate and execute transactions for you with the fastest speed and highest accuracy.


Actionable insights and excellent service

We have a team of product managers who are full of active thoughts and proficient in the market. They have the experience to quickly adapt to market changes. We care about and listen to the issues that customers care about, and focus on building solutions based on customer needs.
